README for compiled DB_File Perl module for Microsoft Windows NT/2000. Note I'm not the author of DB_File Perl module, I just compiled it with the Berkeley DB 3.3.11 for my CGI program (to administer databases for WWW Homepage Counter). I compiled it because I don't see DB_File module is compiled with Berkeley DB 3.x for NT anywhere. This compiled is module for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000 with MS Visual C++ 6.0. I find the module very stable but use it at your own risk. For info on the module itself, go to the URL: First of all make sure you've Perl installed on NT or Windows 2000. I use perl 5.6.1 from I did not test the module with any other version of Perl. To check the version of Perl, open a command shell and type: c:\ perl -v To install the module DB_File on NT, open a command shell first and then type ppm. c:\ ppm PPM> set repository a ./ PPM> install DB_File PPM> query DB_File Here's an example session: c:\ ppm PPM interactive shell (2.1.5) - type 'help' for available commands. PPM> help Commands: exit - leave the program. help [command] - prints this screen, or help on 'command'. install PACKAGES - installs specified PACKAGES. quit - leave the program. query [options] - query information about installed packages. remove PACKAGES - removes the specified PACKAGES from the system. search [options] - search information about available packages. set [options] - set/display current options. verify [options] - verifies current install is up to date. version - displays PPM version number PPM> set Commands will be confirmed. Temporary files will be deleted. Case-insensitive searches will be performed. Package installations will continue if a dependency cannot be installed. Tracing info will not be written. Screens will not pause. Query/search results will be verbose. Current PPD repository paths: ActiveState Package Repository: soap:// Packages will be built under: C:\TEMP Now set the current directory as module repository: PPM> set repository a ./ PPM> set Commands will be confirmed. Temporary files will be deleted. Case-insensitive searches will be performed. Package installations will continue if a dependency cannot be installed. Tracing info will not be written. Screens will not pause. Query/search results will be verbose. Current PPD repository paths: a: ./ ActiveState Package Repository: soap:// pmserver.plex?class=PPM::SOAPServer Packages will be built under: C:\TEMP Note: a: ./ is showing up as the first repository. It's important that the current directory has to be the first repository in path otherwise the the old module will be installed over the internet which is not going to work with latest Berkeley DB 3.3.11 which the WWW Homepage Access Counter uses. PPM> install DB_File Install package 'DB_File?' (y/N): y Installing package 'DB_File'... Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\auto\DB_File\ Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\auto\DB_File\DB_File.dll Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\auto\DB_File\DB_File.exp Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\auto\DB_File\DB_File.lib Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\ Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\auto\DB_File\autosplit.ix Writing E:\Perl\site\lib\auto\DB_File\.packlist PPM> query DB_File DB_File [1.78] Module source: by- module/DB_File/DB_File-1.78.tar.gz. I compiled this module with Berkeley DB 3.3.11 with MS Visual C++ 6.0 on NT. I used ActiveState Perl build 628. I'm supplying this module with the hope that it will be helpful to run the CGI program as I do not see any compiled version of the latest distribution anywhere. Note: I'm not the author of the moudle, I just compiled it. I find the code very statble, however use it at your own risk. Counter page: Berkeley DB site: Compiled by:, On Aug-15-2001 PPM> query DB_File PPM> quit Quit! -- Muhammad A Muquit, Oct-22-2001